'nuf said, Terry. I shall say no more to or about GodZoo on this topic.
Congrats again on your new toy and on having a thoughtful son who obviously loves his dad.
Enjoy, my friend.
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
'nuf said, Terry. I shall say no more to or about GodZoo on this topic.
Congrats again on your new toy and on having a thoughtful son who obviously loves his dad.
Enjoy, my friend.
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
GodZoo: Terry started this thread to share his joy over the kind, thoughtful, and timely gift his loving son had just given him. So yes, it's entirely about Terry as a human being.
Your unsolicited put-down of the gift was entirely uncalled for. This wasn't a discussion of the merits of various laptop manufacturers. Perhaps you can afford the very best and latest in technology, but that's beside the point. No one asked or cares about your evaluation of the worth of a spontaneous gift from a son to his father.
Whatever the truth is about your self-professed expertise, your unseemly attempt at one-upmanship fairly screams inferiority complex and a need for attention. Why not just take pleasure in someone else's joy and avoid dampening their enthusiasm for no reason? Life is so much easier that way.
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
It's sad that some people feel they have to rain on someone else's parade. Maybe it makes them feel superior and a bit smug that they're so much smarter than the other person. I'm talking to you, GodZoo. I seriously doubt you're as smart as Terry, can write anywhere nearly as well, or could have the same wonderful outlook and attitude that he does after all he's been through.
Terry was exulting over a unexpected and loving gift from his son. Maybe his son couldn't afford a more expensive laptop. Doesn't matter. Terry was very pleased with it and promptly put it to good use. Who are you to denigrate the gift and make it seem not so special after all? You should be ashamed of yourself.
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
Congratulations, Terry, on (1) not losing anything when Zeus took out your Toshiba and (2) getting a shiny new laptop that can do everything you want and is much better than its predecessor, but most of all (3) having a wonderful son who obviously loves you.
You just won the trifecta of good karma, my friend! You deserve it. Enjoy!
(Now put that new Chromebook to good use and tell us some more of your wonderful stories.)
if you are a new person to the board you might want to send scully a pm thanking her for her hard work and dedication.
the boe project owes her for helping it to get started.. example:.
several years ago there was a website called (dirtclod.com) who had the courage to display the boes right out in front of everybody.
Many, many thanks to everyone involved in providing this valuable service. My hat's off to you.
this year will be my first for by going to the memorial.
i will get asked by my parents how i can deny jesus even if i don't believe the end is close.
my thoughts on this are as follows, bear in mind saying it's all make believe is not an option.. i think that jesus intended for everyone to eat the bread and drink the wine.
i have a question.....if two jw have sex and only one of them goes to the eldurrs and confesses.....do they both get busted?
or does the boe need a confession from both people.?
if one of em denies it happened will that person still get df'd?.
I personally know of a case where a young pioneer sister was having an "affair" with a slightly older married brother in the same congregation. Long story short, she wound up confessing to the elders but he denied everything. She was disfellowshipped on the grounds that she was guilty of either adultery or slander (lying about a fellow JW). Nothing was done to the man because there was no second witness. As far as I know, he never even lost his congregational "privileges."
This episode didn't turn out entirely negative, though. The young lady "did her penance" and was reinstated, but she later woke up and is no longer a JW. The man eventually got caught with another young lady, and this time he was disfellowshipped. I don't know if he ever got reinstated or not, but at least he was exposed as the duplicitous snake he was.
meet mr. michael columbus - a jehovah's witness who has a personal financial interest in keeping the watchtower's noblood doctrine alive and kicking.. .
michael j. columbus - jehovah's witness extraordinaire.. linkedin profile.. summary of columbus' accomplishments:.
for more than 30 years i have been involved in blood management.
Let's see... from profiteering opportunist taking advantage of incredulous followers of religious charlatans to car salesman. In some ways, just a difference without a distinction.
Would you buy a used car from such a man?
i am still not done with the miracle wheat article... there's just so much information to process!
i already did the summary, and the new information that i have doesn't change my conclusion: the entire scandal happened because russell was very gullible and didn't check with government agencies to see if the wheat was legitimate or not.
he went into a business venture on which he knew nothing about.here's some interesting stats about the finances of the watchtower back in 1911:it received, from the sale of books and donations, $150,000.
I appreciate your doing all this work and then sharing it with us. It's very interesting from a historical standpoint.
It's possible that Russell himself was entirely sincere and guileless in promoting Miracle Wheat, but it undermines the claim that his organization was somehow especially selected by God and being directed by Holy Spirit. Good intentions of kind-hearted people are no proof that what they teach is actually true, regardless of how strongly held their beliefs are. If God was really directing an organization, it simply wouldn't make silly mistakes like this.
this is a pretty good example of the limitations of "bloodless medicine", and why the informed choice should always be "blood conservation" medicine, which retains the safety net of blood transfusion when medically required.
sadly, the watchtower fails to inform jws regarding these important limitations, and their potentially disastrous consequences.. http://www.dailyreportonline.com/id=1202750028414/jury-awards-100k-to-family-of-jehovahs-witness-who-died-after-refusing-blood-transfusion?mcode=0&curindex=0&curpage=3&slreturn=20160118223352.
I am very sorry this poor woman died, but her own decision to cling to her religious leaders' dubious interpretation of a few scriptures taken entirely out of context was the proximate cause of her death. It was no one's fault but her own, though the religious charlatans who put her in this predicament bear at least a moral responsibility.
As cold as it seems, her estate should not have received a dime. In fact, it should be required to reimburse the hospital and the doctor for their legal expenses. This kind of frivolous lawsuit is what clogs up the legal system and causes untold harm to people and organizations just trying to help people the best way they can.
I agree that everyone should be free to believe whatever they want, as long they don't impose it on others. But if you suffer harm because of your religious superstitions, don't go whining to the court.